Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Olympic Artwork 2016!

Olympic Artwork 2016!

This term we (as in Room 10)  have been working hard on a piece of olympic artwork full of similes, metaphors, a maths tessellation, olympic vocabulary and our heads on our fav athlete!  

First of all, let’s talk about the similes and metaphors. Example of a simile: A bright flower petal fell from the tree and felt as light as a feather landing on our hand. Example of a metaphor: My pulse is a race car, drifting through the woods. The definition of an simile is a comparison between two things, using like or as.  A definition of a metaphor is a DIRECT comparison between two things without using as or like.  As you can tell, the similes and metaphors are the speech bubbles and the thinking clouds. Can you guess which one's which?  

Next I’m going to tell you about the tessellation.  If you are wondering what a tessellation is or means, It’s a repeating pattern without any overlapping and gaps. You can create this repeating pattern with either regular polygon or irregular polygons!  This tessellation was made up by myself and a few classmates that were kind enough to help me with the background.   If you look at the tessellation in portrait mode, it will look like a number 8! The shapes that I used to create this regular tessellation was a hexagon, a triangle and a square. I am proud of my tessellation!

Now,  let me explain why friendship, excellence and respect is on my piece of artwork. These are the 3 olympic values that athletes demonstrate at the olympics.  The rest of the vocabulary is  words that are related to the olympics such as gold, silver, bronze to represent the medals and 2016 Rio because the olympics were played in Rio, 2016!

Last but not least, the athlete I’m playing as is Sonny Bill William because he is my favourite olympian, even though he got injured during a rugby game.  This piece of artwork represents all different kinds of subjects we normally do at school - Maths and art for the tessellation, the vocabulary, the similes and metaphors were part of our writing.   

Now this lovely piece is hanging above our heads in Room 10!


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Hong Kong STEM Challenge 2

Screenshot 2016-09-06 at 2.15.46 PM.png
Materials that we used:

6 x long sticks
1 x  wooden square
2 x pipe cleaners
2 x straws
1 x 1m ruler
11 x plastic cubes
1 x bunch of popsicle sticks
4 x wooden small flat pieces

Challenge #1 - Build a structure with a cube as the base:

Screenshot 2016-09-06 at 2.24.49 PM.png

Screenshot 2016-09-06 at 2.26.53 PM.png

This challenge I thought that it was difficult because we only got to use one single cube to hold everything on top! We were all shaky, but we made it.

Challenge  #2 -  Build a structure as high as you can on a base.

Screenshot 2016-09-06 at 2.30.19 PM.png

This challenge I found was easy because we didn’t need to use one block as the base. The only worries that we had was that it kept on breaking, then we made it, but because we had a time limit the last 5 seconds we had, it got knocked over by Musharraf on accident.

Challenge #3 -  Build a structure with something that balances off the side of it:

Screenshot 2016-09-06 at 2.33.04 PM.png
Challenge 3  was really hard because we had to make something stick out on the side so we tried to make a mini machine gun but the last five seconds that we had, it broke down because we were all shaky.  

Names:  Maria, Musharraf, Matatia

Monday, September 5, 2016

Moment In Time Week 7

before we began today our teacher asked us to write a ‘Moment In Time’ piece using a picture of a boy in the water.  We planned as a class to make sure we had the 5 W’s and the 6 Senses.  

Be our writing in small groups we discussed the importance of using descriptive writing, using similes and metaphors where appropriate, using dialogue and have done our best to make sure our punctuation is correct.  Some of us have even used ‘Show Don’t Tell’ in our writing to provide our reader with more of an experience.

Our teacher gave us 10 minutes for each paragraph and then 10 minutes for editing at the end.  We had so much fun working together!

If you have a moment, we would love you to comment on our writing.  

Boy Overboard!

In a bright sunny morning, Jack was surfing on the big sparkling waves. Suddenly a big wave came crashing towards him.  SPLASH went the crashing water over Jack as the salty water went up his nostrils, as he tried to catch his breath. “AHHHHH!!!” screamed the little boy as he started to sink deep down in the sea.  

As Jack was suffocating to get to the surface, water started rushing down his throat as he tried to swim towards his surfboard, as the water was as cold as ice. Suddenly he saw a gang of humongous sharks circling around him. The closer the sharks came to him, the more terrified he became. His heartbeat pounded as fast as lightning striking every second. He glanced at the creatures, as he grabbed his surfboard trying to surf away. “HELP! HELP!” Jack screamed as his teeth chattered, and his body was numb.

As the sharks came closer, one of them lunged towards him, biting Jack in the ribs. He could hear the crunchiness of the bones snapping, breaking into little pieces. The blood splatted into the creature’s face, as it poured down his hip, into the water.  The gang of sharks circled him like a dosing its tail, as Jack laid on his back looking up into the bright blue sky. “I don’t want to die this way…” Thought Jack to himself as he saw a group of paranis coming towards him.  He saw the creatures teaming up for their next chunk of meat.  His rib started stinging from the salty water, as he wasn’t ready for round 2…  

Written by Samia, Kisayah, Maria and Benjamin.

I think that we all done well because we worked as a team by helping each other with our sentences.  What I think I done well was I helped my team with their punctuation.

I think that we all did well because we all worked as a team, and helped each other with our punctuation, similes and many more. What I did well in my group is being open with my ideas and my knowledge to make our piece of writing more interesting.  
What I did well was sharing ideas with my group and putting all the ideas and making it a great moment in time.  What I think I should work on is making the moment in time more interesting for the reader.  


I think we all did well because we all shared our ideas and made a  really good moment in time.  Also I think we worked well as a team and we checked our punctuations and we made sure it made sense.  I also think we helped each other to make the moment in time a good writing so people can look at it and maybe they can comment.